Saturday 11 December 2010

Solidarity messages around and about

A selection of messages from diverse set of groups from Britain and abroad who have sent messages of support to students and staff fighting higher education cuts.

The National Federation of Geography Students of Argentina supports unconditionally
the occupation of university buildings and other means of strike led by students and scholars of the University of Birmingham against education cuts and privatization of the Conservative-led coalition in power. As an organization that has the fight for

free and public education for all as a core objective, we send you our warmest
greetings of solidarity in these times of struggle. We know that the political
environment is not helping you, due to the broadly apathetic attitude of today’s
British society, but it is delightful to see from the South that you have stroke the political scenery with a strength that surprised everyone, and to see that there isalready evidence of steps forward in the lobbying of politicians who will decide on tuition fees this Thursday and later as well.

Our Federation was born in the year 2000, as part of the popular struggles against
cuts in education, as well as in health and other key welfare areas. In those years
we made it to stop the introduction of fees in public universities, and thanks to
those mobilizations today our universities are still public and free. In other
words, we won! That is why we want to tell you that.. it is possible, comrades.
Struggling never is worthless, and the taste of victory is unbeatable. You will win
this fight, and all around the world we will celebrate this victory for public and
free education for all.

We will keep an eye on the development of these events, and please let us know how
we can help. From the land that gave birth to Che Guevara we say… Hasta la victoria siempre!


To our British sisters and brothers in struggle

Please welcome our solidarity from Mexico. We have known about the heroic
struggle you are undertaking in defense of free education in your country,
and we salute it enthusiastically. In Mexico, same as in the rest of the
world, we all suffer from the attacks to public education from a government
working for the big capitalistic groups. Recently, our government has
decided to allocate a large portion of the budget for education to the
absurd war against the narco that has led to the murder of thousands of
citizens, the majority of them being youngsters. The struggle you are
leading is an example for students that fight against state policies to
restrict access to education to millions of young people all around the

We will stay alert about your struggle and we are here for all the support
we can offer to you from Mexico. Revolutionary greetings for you all!


Students of the Socialist Workers’ Party of Mexico (POS-México)



John McDonnell MP, LRC Chair, said:

"The LRC believes all fees should be abolished, the student grant restored
with free education funded from general taxation. There is no need for extra
fees or a graduate tax. This Coalition government will be condemned by a
generation for marketising education and making university education an
elite privilege again.

"We wholeheartedly back the students and we call on all Labour MPs,
including the shadow Cabinet, to join the demonstrations and back the

"This is no time to stand on the sidelines. The Labour Party and wider
labour movement should back the students' inspirational struggle."

The LRC is a democratic membership organisation on the Labour left. It has
over 1000 members across the UK and over 100 affiliates, including six
national trade unions.

In Parliament John McDonnell voted against the introduction of tuition fees
and against top-up fees, and on 9 December will vote against raising the
fees limit. John has also been on and spoken at student demonstrations and
occupations in the last month.

and in Spanish 

A los estudiantes en lucha de Gran Bretaña
Queridos compañeros y compañeras:

Reciban un fraternal y combativo saludo del Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas. 
Actualmente nuestro gremio es víctima de un ataque del gobierno derechista de 
Felipe Calderón que intenta destruir nuestra organización sindical y privatizar 
el servicio público de energía eléctrica.
Estamos enterados de que la Cámara de los Lores acaba de aprobar la propuesta 
del Primer Ministro, James Cameron, de elevar al triple el pago de las
colegiaturas. Este medida constituye un injustificable ataque a un derecho 
humano fundamental: el derecho a la educación. En nuestro país este derecho está 
garantizado, de manera totalmente gratuita, desde la educación básica hasta la 
universidad. Aunque este derecho está consagrado por la Constitución, distintos 
gobiernos neoliberales mexicanos han tratado de conculcarlo desde hace varias 

Su lucha, es también la nuestra. Es también la lucha de millones de personas que 
en el mundo nos hemos levantado en contra de la liquidación del Estado de 
Bienestar, en provecho de un puñado de multimillonarios capitalistas.
Esta lucha recién comienza y los reveses iniciales no deben desmoralizarnos. 
Deben ser lecciones que nos permitan avanzar en nuestra capacidad de 
organización y definir mejor nuestros objetivos de lucha. Una de esas lecciones 
debe ser la de ser capaces de actuar unidos a escala internacional para 
enfrentar a nuestro enemigo común: los grandes señores del dinero y de la 
guerra. Los mismo que ahora se lanzan a devastar la libertad de expresión 
persiguiendo a la página Wikileaks y a su representante Julian Assange.
Ratificamos nuestra solidaridad con vuestra lucha y nos comprometemos a 
participar en las acciones de movilización que ustedes propongan.

¡ Trabajadores y Estudiantes del mundo, uníos!
“Por el Derecho y la Justicia del Trabajador”
México D.F. a 10 de diciembre de 2010

Secretario del Exterior

José Luis Hernández Ayala
Móvil 55 9191 7210

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